

What should I say about myself? I’m twenty-three years old and I am currently an English language assistant in Strasbourg, France. I study Communication Studies at uni and spent the last academic year, on a student exchange in Quebec, Canada, at Concordia Unniversity.

I started this blog when I was going to university in Barbados and I was nineteen years old. Somewhere along the way I started to enjoy photography, I bought a camera and I enjoy photography. I left university for a gap year and a half that included numerous trips to Grenada, a month in Canada, and just ended with an exciting eye-opening trip to the UK and France. While in the UK, I competed in the largest and oldest sailing regatta in the world, Aberdeen Assets Management Cowes Week, 2015 on the Isle of Wight, England.

I write about things that I see, my experiences, my crafts and my opinions. This blog, ‘Great Perhaps’ is about the Great Perhaps that is life, here there is no main theme. Once you subscribe, you’ll never know if the newest post is going to be a story from a book that I’m writing, a picture from a winter wonderland, a tidbit from my life or a story of me being stuck on a broken down ferry.

I usually live in the Caribbean, on an island named Trinidad with a population of 1.3 million people. I sail, swim, scuba dive, I’ve been learning to surf for years now. I love all people regardless of race, creed, beliefs, sexual orientation, gender or nationality. The world could use more love and less discrimination.

I go to the beach as often as I can and I drive a manual/stick truck! I’m always looking for an adventure and I sometimes get lost…

Rushell  🙂


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