Category: Updates

PHOTOBLOG: Autumn Life in France, Germany & Switzerland | TAPIF Two Months Check-In

Ça mache? Yup! That’s life these days. Learning French, teaching English, weekends in Strasbourg, weekdays further south, day trips to Switzerland, camping trips in Germany. I have a lot of catching up to do because of my wishes to do things miraculously. While I only work … Continue reading PHOTOBLOG: Autumn Life in France, Germany & Switzerland | TAPIF Two Months Check-In

The Waiting Game

A time for sowing, a time for reaping.

A time for waiting.

What can I say? That is pretty much my life right now- waiting. 

Nothing about it is relaxing or calming. Mostly I just put the topic out of my mind because there isn’t anything that I can do with three of the four things that I’m waiting on. 

Waiting on Concordia University to accept me to study there for the next year or not. (I CAN email CU to ask what’s up)

Waiting to see if I get the Canada/CARICOM scholarship.

Waiting to see how the case with my parents’ company pans out.

Waiting for the boy who I’ve thought about everyday for the last three years. 

-Before this, I also had on this list ‘waiting to hear who got the award for the Barbados job’. 

Within the next two months I’ll have the answer for three of the four things but it is going to be a really long wait with number four, and at the end of the waiting I still may not have a favourable outcome. Regardless, and I genuinely mean this, -his happiness is mine. It’s worked for the last three years and it will continue to. It is a strange thing to think about someone everyday, especially someone who you used to see all the time then no more, now every wandering thought goes back to that person. 

And I’m in two minds about posting this on the blog because it is sort of pitiful in a really sixteen year old girl way but que sera sera. 

I’m just making my way through this time of waiting. 

A picture of a sunset because one day the sun will set on this waiting. hahaha I’m so cheesy. It is true though!



rusharella 🙂 

Pixels: Re-emerging Post Studying, Finals and Christmas- Photos to Prove I Didn’t go AWOL -Lopinot Village Parang, Offroading, Beach Days and the Garden

The Great Perhaps has continued, albeit not on this blog for the past two months, the adventure hasn’t stopped- check my Instagram @rusharella for the vibes and thoughts that didn’t get posted here from November and December. The mad rush to finish imminent assignments was followed … Continue reading Pixels: Re-emerging Post Studying, Finals and Christmas- Photos to Prove I Didn’t go AWOL -Lopinot Village Parang, Offroading, Beach Days and the Garden